
Wondering Why

I got an email today from my mother in law about one of Scott's cousins and a horrible tragedy over the last few days. Scott's cousin J is very involved in his church and helps lead the youth group. This week he and the church's pastor, Pastor G, took a group of boys on a three day camping trip. on their way home on Tuesday there was an accident, and some of the details are still unknown to us but it seems like maybe his truck was stuck in some mud on a logging road and as he tried to inch forward the vehicle plunged down a 200 foot embankment.

J was the first on the scene of the accident and found his pastor as well as 6 or 7 kids out of the vehicle, all with very severe injuries including broken bones and head trauma. Pastor G died while J tended to one of the kids who couldn't stay still even with a broken hip. Rescue crews had to repel down to them and were also hampered by a storm.

They are a very close knit church community, and all come from a very small town in Eastern Oregon. I can't really even begin to imagine the impact on them at this point.

The sadness this brings to my own heart is immense and I don't know any of the victims. J is one of those people who will do anything for anyone. If you need it he'll see to it that you are helped. He is jovial and kind, gregarious and warm. He's just one of the good guys in this world and I know he looked up to Pastor G, was even married by him just this past summer. Scott's family was very close to Pastor G and are certainly devastated. Just so sad.

Now I pause to wonder why things like this happen? Why would a person so intent on making a difference in the lives of the youth around him be taken? Why would these children who came together for a retreat to grow closer to one another and God be handed an ending like this? Why are his wife and children left behind? It's so easy to grow angry with Him when these things happen and yet I know that their faith in Him is what will bring them though this.

I am always in awe of those who have absolute faith, those who can look at this situation and know that they have given their loved ones to a better place, and know that He had a plan. How awesome to just know that. How comforting to feel that.

My heart says He had a plan and needed Pastor G. My mind is befuddled and frustrated.

I'll be saying a special prayer for everyone tonight. I know He'll hear me, even though I'm still sitting here baffled by His plan. I know He'll forgive me for this because He knows I am trying to understand. It's okay to wonder why because that is what leads me to delve further into my own quest for absolute faith.

Current Status on Facebook: Erin often wonders why? And has to remind herself that we're not supposed to have all the answers all the time.

Response From Friend Geoff: Definitely not supposed to have all the answers all the time, but wondering why is important.


Jo said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. Tragedies like this are so difficult for us to understand. I'm with you in your quest for faith -- and I agree with your sentiments regarding God's understanding of your difficulty in achieving that.

Thinking of you, and J.

Jo said...

Oh man, I will keep all of them in my prayers.

I think that's always what is so difficult, is that God has a plan that we'll never know, but we have to trust that it's for His will.

Stacey said...

What a terrible situation, Erin. Praying for all involved. So, so sad.